Australis Ultima Sector

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 22:56, 11 September 2014 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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Ork Mek currently working on planetary pages

Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard Adeptus Mechanicus Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Australis UIltima Sector Status

Army Spotlights

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: Wrong 'mode' parameter: 'inline'! Using default: 'unordered'. Help: mode= none | ordered | unordered.

Legio Nil.png

The leg servos of Captain Mursili’s terminator armour groaned in protest as the massive frame of the Word Bearers commander knelt in supplication before the God-Emperor. Amidst the sea of grey-armoured Word Bearers the myriad standards of the legion’s many chapters were abased in chastisement, their bearers laid low by the reprimand their primarch was enduring at the hands of his holy father. Mursili seethed as he watched the livery of the ..more..

Basic Training
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