Australis Ultima Sector

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 23:58, 14 May 2019 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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Forces Available

Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard

Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Custodes Sisters Mechanicum Blackshields Knight Houses Imperial Army

Orks Asuryani Drukhari Anrathe Sierclanna Necron

Army Spotlights

Legio IV Breacher.png

One of the many vessels to come from the shipyards of Olympia, the Truth of Logic has been a part of the 105th Grand Battalion for nearly a decade, being commanded by Warsmith Kobol the entire time. Designed for planetary assault, the Truth of Logic boasts numerous launch bays to facilitate the rapid deployment of troops from orbit, as well as various powerful cannons to provide support once the initial landing forces are deployed. ..more..

Australis Ultima Sector Map

Savage ReachPacificus Delta Sub-SectorHelix ClusterCambrius Sub-SectorHawcinus Sub-SectorBeneheventian Sub-SectorCentrumeh Sub-SectorKaliduza Sub-SectorKaerimon Sub-SectorGolloch ClusterSub-Sector Christus EcclesiaD43Australis UltimaAustralis Ultima Sector Map
Ashes of Pyre
Ashes Ribbon.png Kaerimon Sub-Sector Pyre System Unresolved
Baylonian Insurrection
Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png Centrumeh Sub-Sector Oteal System Traitor Vicotry
Global Heresy: The Stilling of Bharteth
Bharteth Ribbon.png Vesipia Sub-Sector Bharteth System Ongoing
Northern Front - Battle of Eglurn System
Northern Front Ribbon.png Cambrius Sub-Sector Eglurn System Ongoing
Ortious Cloud Incident
Ortious Cloud Incident Ribbon.jpg Pacificus Delta Sub-Sector Ludusio System Traitor Victory
Savage Campaign
Savage Campaign Ribbon.jpg Savage Reach Savage System Traitor Victory
The Liberation of Fuschal
Fuschal Ribbon.png Kaerimon Sub-Sector Fuschal System Ongoing
The Lincon Heresy
Lincon Ribbon.jpg Beneheventian Sub-Sector Lincon System Loyalist Victory
The Rallying of Trugoy
Rallying of Trugoy Ribbon.jpg Trugoy System System Wide Pyrrhic Traitor Victory