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|include={Campaign Honour} imgmini,{Campaign Report}:Sub-Sector,{Campaign Report}:System
|include={Campaign Honour} imgmini,{Campaign Report}:Sub-Sector,{Campaign Report}:System,{Campaign Report}:Outcome

Revision as of 23:57, 14 May 2019

Forces Available

Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard

Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Custodes Sisters Mechanicum Blackshields Knight Houses Imperial Army

Orks Asuryani Drukhari Anrathe Sierclanna Necron

Army Spotlights

Rebel trooper.jpg





Ref: 'Sons of Liberty' - Infiltraitor unit dispatched into Fuschal system M31[REDACTED] on orders of [REDACTED]. Personnel includes [REDACTED] under command of [REDACTED].

Ordered to infiltrate command structure of the Fuschalese occupation force, ahead of the Liberation, posing as sympathetic to the the ..more..

Australis Ultima Sector Map

Savage ReachPacificus Delta Sub-SectorHelix ClusterCambrius Sub-SectorHawcinus Sub-SectorBeneheventian Sub-SectorCentrumeh Sub-SectorKaliduza Sub-SectorKaerimon Sub-SectorGolloch ClusterSub-Sector Christus EcclesiaD43Australis UltimaAustralis Ultima Sector Map
Battle for Hyperborea
Ipsum Ribbon.png Centrumeh Sub-Sector Adlayd System Ongoing
Battle for Kenuc
Kenuc Ribbon.png Appalachius Scar Kenuc System Ongoing
Breaking of Centrumeh Gate
Breaking Ribbon.jpg Centrumeh Sub-Sector Centrumeh Gate Traitor Victory
Infection of Siarris
Infection of Siarris Ribbon.png Helix Cluster Siarris Imperial Loss
The Corruption of Plutonem Majorum
Corruption of Plutonem Majorus Ribbon.png Plutonem Majorus Sub-Sector Wide Unresolved
The Lincon Heresy
Lincon Ribbon.jpg Beneheventian Sub-Sector Lincon System Loyalist Victory
The Rallying of Trugoy
Rallying of Trugoy Ribbon.jpg Trugoy System System Wide Pyrrhic Traitor Victory
The Second Golloch War
Golloch Ribbon.jpg Golloch Cluster Sub-Sector Wide Ongoing
The Tomb of Galahad
Galahad Ribbon.jpg Helix Cluster AL-NH-1574 Minor Traitor Victory