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<h2 style="margin:3px; background:#D9D9D9; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #a3b0bf; text-align:center; color:#000; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Completed Campaign Reports</h2>
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Revision as of 19:33, 12 December 2016

Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard Mechanicum Blackshields Orks Eldar Knight Houses Imperial Army Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Australis UIltima Sector Status

Army Spotlights

Ryza Forge World.png

Origin: Ryza


Archmagos Myrmidax Prime Agamon


Archmagos Myrmidax Prime Agamon, Myrmidon King of Ryza, typically marches to war surrounded by his phased plasma fusil-armed Secutor bodyguard and always enthroned within a heavy combat chassis of his own design. As is typical amongst his Myrmidon brethren he wields a variety of weaponry; a unique and incredibly lethal double-bladed ..more..

Global Heresy Systems

Þungur Metallikos

Styges II.png

Þungur Metallikos is an Imperial Hive World located 15,000 light years to the galactic east in the Australis Ultima Sector.

The world of Þungur Metallikos is the only planet in the Waacos star system and itis the industrial hub of both the Centrumeh Sub-Sector and the greater region of the surrounding Australis UIltima Sector. Many worlds within a several light-year radius of Þungur ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 79

Traitor Planet Influence: 51

Orks Planet Influence: 3


Space Station.png

Gospel was discovered orbiting the world of þungur Metallikos during the Great Crusade by captains of the 38th Expeditionary Fleet under the overall command of Lord Marshal Nayel Reimmeron Vaxisys, whose family would go on to rule over the Hive World of Armageddon.

Gospel owns its name due to the outer surface of the station being completely engraved in binary. No one have yet to interpret ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 6

Traitor Planet Influence: 18

Orks Planet Influence: 0

Ongoing Campaign Reports

  • [[Ba|Extension|Imperial Search....No Result|
    Agif Prime: A Galaxy in Flames
    AGIF Ribbon.jpg 866.008.M31
    Alentos System Pacification
    Barren One.png 003.009.M31

    Alentos System Pacification

    768th Expeditionary Fleet

    What was supposed to be a lightly, Xenos infested system quickly escalated beyond the 768th expeditionary fleets limited capacity. After meeting such stiff resistance, reinforcements were called in and as the conflict escalated and Xenos races begin to offer stiffer and stiffer resistance, more and more Imperial forces were poured into the system, until eventually even the primarchs had to make a showing to exterminate the alien filth and ..→

    Ashes of Pyre
    Ashes Ribbon.png

    Excerpt from The Horus Heresy: Famous Campaigns and notable battles

    by Reginald Archibald III, Official Remembrancer.

    Most Imperial historians are in agreement that the campaign by Loyalist Imperial forces to retake the industrial juggernaut of the Pyre System, can roughly be broken up into four or five distinct stages. Starting out in the closing stages of the Baylonian Insurrection, a decisive victory for Horus’ forces, with a change of strategy from the Loyalist high command in the ..→

    Battle for Cambrius Minor
    Battle for Cambrius Minor Ribbon.jpg 819.006.M31

    In the wake of Horus' treachery on Istvaan V, Systems have been declaring outright for either Horus or the Emperor, with many system choosing to play the waiting game.

    A select few systems have declared independence, hoping the Imperium's internal struggles will keep them pre-occupied. One such system within the Australis Ultima Sector is the Cambrius Sub-Sector. The Governor on Grotto looking to carve his own domain with the galaxy in flames.

    Cambrius Minor is a mining planet rich in ..→

    Battle for Hyperborea
    Ipsum Ribbon.png
    Battle for Kenuc
    Kenuc Ribbon.png

    Baatle for Kenuc system started on Kenuc Alpha, with several skirmish around a manufactorium, that process a crystals. Several Legions have stop at various times to collect cargo from several sites from Kenuc system.

    Battle for Magna-Distillery Omicron-38a
    Omicron Ribbon.png

    As the Omega-Celia conflict waned and forces retreated or stormed forth from their respective battles, the armies of both traitors and loyalists spread out again to either retreat and entrench or push forward with a victorious momentum.

    This was how the Heresy came to the Johannes-Walker System. Given that the traitors fared worse than their loyalist brethren, it was Traitor forces falling back to the predominantly Traitor Mechaniccum held sector. Given how much the Smirinoff Oligarchy ..→

    Baylonian Insurrection
    Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png


    Even before the shocking actions of Istvaan filtered through to the Australis Ultima Sector, the situation in the Oteal System had degenerated to dangerous levels. Rumours of military build ups on the Kazitian loyal planets persisted along with the myth that Dur-Kazit was being secretly rebuilt, however without any evidence the systems Governor could take no direct action against the planets as they were sworn to the Red Planet and owed him no allegiance. With the onset of civil ..→

    Breaking of Centrumeh Gate
    Breaking Ribbon.jpg

    Prelude to War

    While a number of Houses and at least one Company are known to have accumulated a great deal of wealth (enough to even purchase a new frontier Knight World) the final proceedings of the Hastilude of Raynes were interrupted by a violent intrusion; as the final procession was commencing great gouts of fire erupted in the sky and pummeled the ground as a concentrated orbital bombardment was focused on the scene of the games. Civilian and Nobles alike were ..→

    Echorix Campaign
    Cambrius Minor Map.png 910.007.M31
    Exploration of Tegular
    Tegular Ribbon.png

    With the scattering of the Imperial forces after their second major defeat on Siarris, this time at the hands of the shadowy Slaugth within the Hive of Tegular, the planet now lies firmly in Xenos control once again. Without Orbital support the remains of the Astartes, Mechanicum and other factions who took part in the war for control of the hive have pushed out into the lands surrounding the city. Some in search of secret objectives which they came to the planet for in the first place, others ..→

    Global Heresy: The Stilling of Bharteth
    Bharteth Ribbon.png

    Prelude to War

    To accurately document how this desperate conflict started is difficult to pinpoint. Was it the arrival of the Loyalist fleet in Bharteth and the landing of the first troops? Was it, like so many other wars, an event triggered by the Warmasters betrayal? Or can blame be placed at the feet of the Imperium and their first steps on the path of the Great Crusade itself?

    So instead I shall declare the cause of this campaign to be the over zealous, almost ignorant, ..→

    Infection of Siarris
    Infection of Siarris Ribbon.png

    After the rise of the Warp storms which isolated the Helix Cluster from the rest of Imperium, the Rogue Trader Castus Tharr became the highest ranked Imperial officer within the operational theatre. Being the rightful planetary Governor of Corabie by writ of his Warrant of Trade, and Corabie being the only Imperial settlement in the Helix Cluster, Tharr, by default, became the Sub-Sector Governor. Coupled with his existing Expeditionary Fleet Commander status operational command upon ..→

    Inferno Campaign
    Inferno Campaign Ribbon.jpg 047.007.M31
    Kaloran Krusade
    Kaloran.png 279.007.M31

    Isolated in a far flung System in a newly opened Sub-Sector, the human world of Kaloran was a backwater planet which had barely progressed to a basic industrial tech level. Ear marked for future investigation due to the discovery of vast food resources on its neighbouring planet of Oligos by an advance Imperial survey team, the Kaloran system had a single automated monitoring station which transmitted regular, insignifant data back the Helix Expeditionary Fleet based on Corabie. ..→

    Legions United

    Prelude to War

    Welcome to the Pride Worlds! Along the dark passage core-ward, lies a stellar cluster that’s been clearly visible from earth for eons. As mankind ventured out to conquer the stars, their history was typical. They were not so close as to merit man’s immediate colonization, but they were close enough that prospectors broke ground early during the age of expansion. And from there, a well-known, war-torn cycle repeated; indigenous species were exterminated, ..→

    Northern Front - Battle of Eglurn System
    Northern Front Ribbon.png

    The Eglurn System is on the outer reaches of the Cambrius Sub-Sector. Like most the systems within the sub sector they have attempted to remain neutral in the conflict to maxmimise profits, something which neither side appreciates. Elgurn has long considered itself more than capable of independence and been a major trading within and without the sector. While most of the major systems within the sub sector have had their major cities ruined by the war Elgrum has been able to avoid most the ..→

    Omega Ceilia Conflict
    Omega Ceilia Ribbon.png

    With the coming of the Heresy less than two decades after its Compliance, Omega Ceilia is a far from stable system. Resentment at the dissolution of the Federation is rife among the populace, Nerva, in particular, has a level of unrest which is bordering on open revolt. Forced to increase the production output of the planets industries at the order of the Mechanicum administrator on the Belt, but not able to retain any of it to assist in the worlds rebuilding efforts after Compliance, ..→

    Operation: Shadow of Iron
    Barren One.png 668.007.M31

    Along the South-Eastern arm of the Ultima Segmentum, lies the sub-sector of Pacificus Delta, a collection of frontier systems languishing far from Terra and the influence of the sub-sector’s Imperial founders. Consisting primarily of fringe systems, its Governing System is officially recorded as the Pacificus Delta IV however, even amongst most Administratum references, it is known as the Ghoststar Arc. The Sub-Sector has a number of well established Xenos civilizations which were the target ..→

    Ortious Cloud Incident
    Ortious Cloud Incident Ribbon.jpg 584.007.M31

    The Ortious Cloud is a large area of space in the Coreward section of the Pacificus Delta Sub-Sector, renowned for being filled with endless irradiated dust clouds which stretch across four entire Star Systems. While it is hazardous to travel within the area via the warp due to an anomalous effect from the cloud, the Coreward edge leads to the primary warp lane to the Cambrius Sub-Sector and so a large number of trade routes connect the Imperial planets within the Cloud to the rest of ..→

    Pandorum Campaign
    Pandorum Ribbon.jpg 497.008.M31
    Savage Campaign
    Savage Campaign Ribbon.jpg 162.007.M31

    With the flames of the Heresy spreading like wildfire throughout the Sector, both forces are rapidly scrambling to establish bases of operations and being co-ordinated attacks. Being the primary Naval facilities in the Sector, Savage is a vital planet for either side in the escalating civil war; capable of providing resupply and repair facilities but, more importantly, the ability to replenish lost ships or even create entirely new fleets.

    Not only is Savage one of the most potent Naval ..→

    Scorpious Insurrection
    Scorpious Insurrection Ribbon.jpg 499.009.M31
    Second Compliance of Corabie
    Corabie Campaign Ribbon.png

    The Second Compliance of Corabie

    With the arrival of the Imperial forces through the Warp Storm rimward, so to came the knowledge of the Warmasters Heresy and the civil war burning through the Imperium. Seeing the discovery and seizure of the Ark Ship Galahad as the primary focus both forces, Loyalist and Traitor, divert only a small force to the occupation of Corabie, confident that the Rogue Trader Governor can be swayed to their side.

    Iterators, filling the role of diplomat, from ..→

    The Aminira Campaign
    Aminira Campaign Ribbon.png 326.009.M31

    The Aminira system, known by the 255th Expeditionary Fleet as the fifteenth world to be brought to compliance, was a cluster dotted by four major planetary bodies. Amiri, a non-compliant hive world, Hakkario, an arid inhospitable death world, Hap-Tarkis, a gas giant surrounded by two habitable moons Eplis and Corris and finally Jellar, a small ice planet on the fringe of the system.

    The systems significance had risen to prominence after long range orbital scans identified the signals of a ..→

    The Battle For Zereous

    The Secrets of Vosculia


    War ravages across the Eglurn system as the forces of the Traitor Horus seek to expel their Loyal cousins from the system. Those brothers loyal to the Emperor hold on by the barest of margins and the fate of the system hangs in the balance. Seeking anything to give them the edge over their rivals, both sides have dispatched forces to planet Vosculia where it is rumored an item with the potential to turn the tide of the conflict exists. Both sides ..→

    The Burning of Scandus Prime
    Scandus bar.png 790.008.M31

    The Emperors dreams and hope are in ruin, his trust proved false, and his brightest son fallen to darkness. These are bitter times as nightmares are made flesh and the Empire is thorn asunder as brother fights brother.

    The end of the War for Scandus is clouded in mystery. Ultimately the campaign was considered a Loyalist victory as the world remained largely under the control of the Imperium. Word later reached Terra from the Ultramarine fleet in orbit of Scandus Prime that the Warmasters ..→

    The Cordon - Breaching the Veil
    Cordon Ribbon.png
    The Corruption of Plutonem Majorum
    Corruption of Plutonem Majorus Ribbon.png

    Orbis Commercium lays in the centre of four Systems Lux Plutones, Tenebris Plutones, Peripheriam Plutones, and Pelegus Plutones. Together these sectors are know as Plutonem Majorus. Until recently it was a bustling trade point until contact was lost.

    It was discovered that, before the communication silence began, a raid by an Alpha Legion Praetor, who gave his life to the mission, a piece of archeotech was stolen from the local Mechanicum ..→

    The Diadem Cluster Compliance
    Diadem Compliance Ribbon.png

    In 880.M30, when the Imperial Explorator vessel Constance Heart first made contact with the Umbral kingdom, Explorator Captain Albinus Henricus gave the Queen of Umbra Major, Adrasteia I, the standard Crusade ultimatum: Join or Die. Adrasteia refused and, ever since that day, prepared for interstellar war. After making a non-agression pact with the forces of Horus, Adrasteia decided on a preemptive attack to put the potential Imperial invaders on the defensive. ===Opening ..→

    The Fate of Chrondor
    Chrondor Ribbon.png

    For the people of Chrondor, the civil war that was tearing the Imperium apart seemed a distant thing. Demand for the goods produced from the system had surged, and for many of the systems rulers this was seen as a good thing. Stories of the conflict had filtered through to the general population, but most people believed the tales to be wildly exaggerated, something that had grown in its retelling into something much worse than the actual events must have been.

    The reality of the nature of ..→

    The Liberation of Fuschal
    Fuschal Ribbon.png

    Prelude to War

    When compared to the scale of the civil war, or even to the chaos rolling back and forth across the Kaerimon Sub-Sector, the battle to reclaim the Fuschal System from the grasp of the traitors would barely count as a footnote, but that makes it no less important to the survivors and the victims of the campaign.

    Fuschal and the other planets had been enslaved to the Warmaster's banner precisely because they were vulnerable - each city-ship, atoll, or mining station cut off ..→

    The Lincon Heresy
    Lincon Ribbon.jpg

    In the wake of Horus' treachery on Istvaan III and the galaxy plunged into civil war, confusion and panic spreads along the whole Beneheventian Sub-Sector. With the ragtag survivors of the drop site massacre and shattered Imperial forces desperately trying to reach supply depots, shipyards, forge worlds and safe heavens to regroup and rearm the Lincon System has become a major focal point in the Sub-Sector. With the only Ship Yard capable of building and repairing capital ships in the sector, ..→

    The Rallying of Trugoy
    Rallying of Trugoy Ribbon.jpg


    The Warmasters great betrayal is announced to the galaxy with the bloody brutal shattering of the loyalist legions at Istvaan IV. The unthinkable has become reality, brother fights brother, the Imperium of man folds upon itself in conflict. Elements of the once vast loyalist forces withdraw in hast to systems beyond the Warmasters reach. They seek to repair, they seek to re-arm, but most of all, they seek vengeance.

    One such loyalist force, larger than most, consolidates ..→

    The Second Golloch War
    Golloch Ribbon.jpg

    Prelude to War

    The Golloch Cluster is a nebulous region of space containing thousands of stars, and hundreds of habitable worlds. Including over fifty primary level Imperial worlds of post industrial advancement. It was conquered during a twenty year campaign which drove out Orks and several other now extinct or extirpated xenos races. Almost simultaneously with the news of Horus' betrayal at Istvaan a large group of worlds swore to the Warmaster and a huge war erupted in the cluster. ..→

    The Tomb of Galahad
    Galahad Ribbon.jpg

    Prelude to War

    Sometime before the Heresy erupted throughout the Imperium, Crusade Fleet 1574 was recorded to have refitted and prepared for deep space travel at the Savage Naval Yards in the Savage Reach Sub-Sector. Shortly after a small notation was recorded in the Kildrech System status report of the Fleet passing through their system and meeting up with an Expeditionary fleet led by Rogue Trader Castus Tharr before exiting the Sub-Sector all together.

    The fleets traversed ..→

    Completed Campaign Reports

    Agif Prime: A Galaxy in Flames
    AGIF Ribbon.jpg 866.008.M31
    Alentos System Pacification
    Barren One.png 003.009.M31

    Alentos System Pacification

    768th Expeditionary Fleet

    What was supposed to be a lightly, Xenos infested system quickly escalated beyond the 768th expeditionary fleets limited capacity. After meeting such stiff resistance, reinforcements were called in and as the conflict escalated and Xenos races begin to offer stiffer and stiffer resistance, more and more Imperial forces were poured into the system, until eventually even the primarchs had to make a showing to exterminate the alien filth and ..→

    Ashes of Pyre
    Ashes Ribbon.png

    Excerpt from The Horus Heresy: Famous Campaigns and notable battles

    by Reginald Archibald III, Official Remembrancer.

    Most Imperial historians are in agreement that the campaign by Loyalist Imperial forces to retake the industrial juggernaut of the Pyre System, can roughly be broken up into four or five distinct stages. Starting out in the closing stages of the Baylonian Insurrection, a decisive victory for Horus’ forces, with a change of strategy from the Loyalist high command in the ..→

    Battle for Cambrius Minor
    Battle for Cambrius Minor Ribbon.jpg 819.006.M31

    In the wake of Horus' treachery on Istvaan V, Systems have been declaring outright for either Horus or the Emperor, with many system choosing to play the waiting game.

    A select few systems have declared independence, hoping the Imperium's internal struggles will keep them pre-occupied. One such system within the Australis Ultima Sector is the Cambrius Sub-Sector. The Governor on Grotto looking to carve his own domain with the galaxy in flames.

    Cambrius Minor is a mining planet rich in ..→

    Battle for Hyperborea
    Ipsum Ribbon.png
    Battle for Kenuc
    Kenuc Ribbon.png

    Baatle for Kenuc system started on Kenuc Alpha, with several skirmish around a manufactorium, that process a crystals. Several Legions have stop at various times to collect cargo from several sites from Kenuc system.

    Battle for Magna-Distillery Omicron-38a
    Omicron Ribbon.png

    As the Omega-Celia conflict waned and forces retreated or stormed forth from their respective battles, the armies of both traitors and loyalists spread out again to either retreat and entrench or push forward with a victorious momentum.

    This was how the Heresy came to the Johannes-Walker System. Given that the traitors fared worse than their loyalist brethren, it was Traitor forces falling back to the predominantly Traitor Mechaniccum held sector. Given how much the Smirinoff Oligarchy ..→

    Baylonian Insurrection
    Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png


    Even before the shocking actions of Istvaan filtered through to the Australis Ultima Sector, the situation in the Oteal System had degenerated to dangerous levels. Rumours of military build ups on the Kazitian loyal planets persisted along with the myth that Dur-Kazit was being secretly rebuilt, however without any evidence the systems Governor could take no direct action against the planets as they were sworn to the Red Planet and owed him no allegiance. With the onset of civil ..→

    Breaking of Centrumeh Gate
    Breaking Ribbon.jpg

    Prelude to War

    While a number of Houses and at least one Company are known to have accumulated a great deal of wealth (enough to even purchase a new frontier Knight World) the final proceedings of the Hastilude of Raynes were interrupted by a violent intrusion; as the final procession was commencing great gouts of fire erupted in the sky and pummeled the ground as a concentrated orbital bombardment was focused on the scene of the games. Civilian and Nobles alike were ..→

    Echorix Campaign
    Cambrius Minor Map.png 910.007.M31
    Exploration of Tegular
    Tegular Ribbon.png

    With the scattering of the Imperial forces after their second major defeat on Siarris, this time at the hands of the shadowy Slaugth within the Hive of Tegular, the planet now lies firmly in Xenos control once again. Without Orbital support the remains of the Astartes, Mechanicum and other factions who took part in the war for control of the hive have pushed out into the lands surrounding the city. Some in search of secret objectives which they came to the planet for in the first place, others ..→

    Global Heresy: The Stilling of Bharteth
    Bharteth Ribbon.png

    Prelude to War

    To accurately document how this desperate conflict started is difficult to pinpoint. Was it the arrival of the Loyalist fleet in Bharteth and the landing of the first troops? Was it, like so many other wars, an event triggered by the Warmasters betrayal? Or can blame be placed at the feet of the Imperium and their first steps on the path of the Great Crusade itself?

    So instead I shall declare the cause of this campaign to be the over zealous, almost ignorant, ..→

    Infection of Siarris
    Infection of Siarris Ribbon.png

    After the rise of the Warp storms which isolated the Helix Cluster from the rest of Imperium, the Rogue Trader Castus Tharr became the highest ranked Imperial officer within the operational theatre. Being the rightful planetary Governor of Corabie by writ of his Warrant of Trade, and Corabie being the only Imperial settlement in the Helix Cluster, Tharr, by default, became the Sub-Sector Governor. Coupled with his existing Expeditionary Fleet Commander status operational command upon ..→

    Inferno Campaign
    Inferno Campaign Ribbon.jpg 047.007.M31
    Kaloran Krusade
    Kaloran.png 279.007.M31

    Isolated in a far flung System in a newly opened Sub-Sector, the human world of Kaloran was a backwater planet which had barely progressed to a basic industrial tech level. Ear marked for future investigation due to the discovery of vast food resources on its neighbouring planet of Oligos by an advance Imperial survey team, the Kaloran system had a single automated monitoring station which transmitted regular, insignifant data back the Helix Expeditionary Fleet based on Corabie. ..→

    Legions United

    Prelude to War

    Welcome to the Pride Worlds! Along the dark passage core-ward, lies a stellar cluster that’s been clearly visible from earth for eons. As mankind ventured out to conquer the stars, their history was typical. They were not so close as to merit man’s immediate colonization, but they were close enough that prospectors broke ground early during the age of expansion. And from there, a well-known, war-torn cycle repeated; indigenous species were exterminated, ..→

    Northern Front - Battle of Eglurn System
    Northern Front Ribbon.png

    The Eglurn System is on the outer reaches of the Cambrius Sub-Sector. Like most the systems within the sub sector they have attempted to remain neutral in the conflict to maxmimise profits, something which neither side appreciates. Elgurn has long considered itself more than capable of independence and been a major trading within and without the sector. While most of the major systems within the sub sector have had their major cities ruined by the war Elgrum has been able to avoid most the ..→

    Omega Ceilia Conflict
    Omega Ceilia Ribbon.png

    With the coming of the Heresy less than two decades after its Compliance, Omega Ceilia is a far from stable system. Resentment at the dissolution of the Federation is rife among the populace, Nerva, in particular, has a level of unrest which is bordering on open revolt. Forced to increase the production output of the planets industries at the order of the Mechanicum administrator on the Belt, but not able to retain any of it to assist in the worlds rebuilding efforts after Compliance, ..→

    Operation: Shadow of Iron
    Barren One.png 668.007.M31

    Along the South-Eastern arm of the Ultima Segmentum, lies the sub-sector of Pacificus Delta, a collection of frontier systems languishing far from Terra and the influence of the sub-sector’s Imperial founders. Consisting primarily of fringe systems, its Governing System is officially recorded as the Pacificus Delta IV however, even amongst most Administratum references, it is known as the Ghoststar Arc. The Sub-Sector has a number of well established Xenos civilizations which were the target ..→

    Ortious Cloud Incident
    Ortious Cloud Incident Ribbon.jpg 584.007.M31

    The Ortious Cloud is a large area of space in the Coreward section of the Pacificus Delta Sub-Sector, renowned for being filled with endless irradiated dust clouds which stretch across four entire Star Systems. While it is hazardous to travel within the area via the warp due to an anomalous effect from the cloud, the Coreward edge leads to the primary warp lane to the Cambrius Sub-Sector and so a large number of trade routes connect the Imperial planets within the Cloud to the rest of ..→

    Pandorum Campaign
    Pandorum Ribbon.jpg 497.008.M31
    Savage Campaign
    Savage Campaign Ribbon.jpg 162.007.M31

    With the flames of the Heresy spreading like wildfire throughout the Sector, both forces are rapidly scrambling to establish bases of operations and being co-ordinated attacks. Being the primary Naval facilities in the Sector, Savage is a vital planet for either side in the escalating civil war; capable of providing resupply and repair facilities but, more importantly, the ability to replenish lost ships or even create entirely new fleets.

    Not only is Savage one of the most potent Naval ..→

    Scorpious Insurrection
    Scorpious Insurrection Ribbon.jpg 499.009.M31
    Second Compliance of Corabie
    Corabie Campaign Ribbon.png

    The Second Compliance of Corabie

    With the arrival of the Imperial forces through the Warp Storm rimward, so to came the knowledge of the Warmasters Heresy and the civil war burning through the Imperium. Seeing the discovery and seizure of the Ark Ship Galahad as the primary focus both forces, Loyalist and Traitor, divert only a small force to the occupation of Corabie, confident that the Rogue Trader Governor can be swayed to their side.

    Iterators, filling the role of diplomat, from ..→

    The Aminira Campaign
    Aminira Campaign Ribbon.png 326.009.M31

    The Aminira system, known by the 255th Expeditionary Fleet as the fifteenth world to be brought to compliance, was a cluster dotted by four major planetary bodies. Amiri, a non-compliant hive world, Hakkario, an arid inhospitable death world, Hap-Tarkis, a gas giant surrounded by two habitable moons Eplis and Corris and finally Jellar, a small ice planet on the fringe of the system.

    The systems significance had risen to prominence after long range orbital scans identified the signals of a ..→

    The Battle For Zereous

    The Secrets of Vosculia


    War ravages across the Eglurn system as the forces of the Traitor Horus seek to expel their Loyal cousins from the system. Those brothers loyal to the Emperor hold on by the barest of margins and the fate of the system hangs in the balance. Seeking anything to give them the edge over their rivals, both sides have dispatched forces to planet Vosculia where it is rumored an item with the potential to turn the tide of the conflict exists. Both sides ..→

    The Burning of Scandus Prime
    Scandus bar.png 790.008.M31

    The Emperors dreams and hope are in ruin, his trust proved false, and his brightest son fallen to darkness. These are bitter times as nightmares are made flesh and the Empire is thorn asunder as brother fights brother.

    The end of the War for Scandus is clouded in mystery. Ultimately the campaign was considered a Loyalist victory as the world remained largely under the control of the Imperium. Word later reached Terra from the Ultramarine fleet in orbit of Scandus Prime that the Warmasters ..→

    The Cordon - Breaching the Veil
    Cordon Ribbon.png
    The Corruption of Plutonem Majorum
    Corruption of Plutonem Majorus Ribbon.png

    Orbis Commercium lays in the centre of four Systems Lux Plutones, Tenebris Plutones, Peripheriam Plutones, and Pelegus Plutones. Together these sectors are know as Plutonem Majorus. Until recently it was a bustling trade point until contact was lost.

    It was discovered that, before the communication silence began, a raid by an Alpha Legion Praetor, who gave his life to the mission, a piece of archeotech was stolen from the local Mechanicum ..→

    The Diadem Cluster Compliance
    Diadem Compliance Ribbon.png

    In 880.M30, when the Imperial Explorator vessel Constance Heart first made contact with the Umbral kingdom, Explorator Captain Albinus Henricus gave the Queen of Umbra Major, Adrasteia I, the standard Crusade ultimatum: Join or Die. Adrasteia refused and, ever since that day, prepared for interstellar war. After making a non-agression pact with the forces of Horus, Adrasteia decided on a preemptive attack to put the potential Imperial invaders on the defensive. ===Opening ..→

    The Fate of Chrondor
    Chrondor Ribbon.png

    For the people of Chrondor, the civil war that was tearing the Imperium apart seemed a distant thing. Demand for the goods produced from the system had surged, and for many of the systems rulers this was seen as a good thing. Stories of the conflict had filtered through to the general population, but most people believed the tales to be wildly exaggerated, something that had grown in its retelling into something much worse than the actual events must have been.

    The reality of the nature of ..→

    The Liberation of Fuschal
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    Prelude to War

    When compared to the scale of the civil war, or even to the chaos rolling back and forth across the Kaerimon Sub-Sector, the battle to reclaim the Fuschal System from the grasp of the traitors would barely count as a footnote, but that makes it no less important to the survivors and the victims of the campaign.

    Fuschal and the other planets had been enslaved to the Warmaster's banner precisely because they were vulnerable - each city-ship, atoll, or mining station cut off ..→

    The Lincon Heresy
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    In the wake of Horus' treachery on Istvaan III and the galaxy plunged into civil war, confusion and panic spreads along the whole Beneheventian Sub-Sector. With the ragtag survivors of the drop site massacre and shattered Imperial forces desperately trying to reach supply depots, shipyards, forge worlds and safe heavens to regroup and rearm the Lincon System has become a major focal point in the Sub-Sector. With the only Ship Yard capable of building and repairing capital ships in the sector, ..→

    The Rallying of Trugoy
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    The Warmasters great betrayal is announced to the galaxy with the bloody brutal shattering of the loyalist legions at Istvaan IV. The unthinkable has become reality, brother fights brother, the Imperium of man folds upon itself in conflict. Elements of the once vast loyalist forces withdraw in hast to systems beyond the Warmasters reach. They seek to repair, they seek to re-arm, but most of all, they seek vengeance.

    One such loyalist force, larger than most, consolidates ..→

    The Second Golloch War
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    Prelude to War

    The Golloch Cluster is a nebulous region of space containing thousands of stars, and hundreds of habitable worlds. Including over fifty primary level Imperial worlds of post industrial advancement. It was conquered during a twenty year campaign which drove out Orks and several other now extinct or extirpated xenos races. Almost simultaneously with the news of Horus' betrayal at Istvaan a large group of worlds swore to the Warmaster and a huge war erupted in the cluster. ..→

    The Tomb of Galahad
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    Prelude to War

    Sometime before the Heresy erupted throughout the Imperium, Crusade Fleet 1574 was recorded to have refitted and prepared for deep space travel at the Savage Naval Yards in the Savage Reach Sub-Sector. Shortly after a small notation was recorded in the Kildrech System status report of the Fleet passing through their system and meeting up with an Expeditionary fleet led by Rogue Trader Castus Tharr before exiting the Sub-Sector all together.

    The fleets traversed ..→