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I started wargaming, as so many do, with Warhammer Fantasy Battle, and never really felt drawn to 40k. It was only once I had echeloned into historical wargaming that I started developing a taste for the 41st millennium, largely through Black Library Novels. I started collecting Space Wolves, then Imperial Guard, and after a long hiatus, I returned to Warhammer 40,000 ostensibly to collect Horus Heresy Ultramarines. I have been recording my wargaming efforts on my blog http://zenartminipainting.blogspot.co.uk/ and on my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxvs0jEu7vLInVDIsb3ZsoQ

Myself and a small group of friends are currently collecting and painting Heresy forces with the aim of starting with small skirmish engagements, scaling up to Zone Mortalis, and then finally bigger battles. The hope is that eventually we will be able to deploy our toys in a colossal Apocalypse game. We tend to prefer narratively rich games over competitive play. I am based in the Oxfordshire region and am always keen to make contact with like-minded players.