Australis Ultima Sector

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Australis UIltima Sector Status

Army Spotlights

Legio Nil.png

The Rust Spectres are a sub faction of the Deathguard Legion. Once a part of Typhon's fleet during the Heresy, the Spectres split off under the First Captain's orders and instructed to perform experiments regarding geneseed and psykers. Given Mortarions hatred of psykers, these experiments were conducted in secret and to avoid persecution from their own legion, the Rust Spectres darkened the majority of their plate but retained their left arm ..more..

Global Heresy Systems

Þungur Metallikos

Styges II.png

Þungur Metallikos is an Imperial Hive World located 15,000 light years to the galactic east in the Australis Ultima Sector.

The world of Þungur Metallikos is the only planet in the Waacos star system and itis the industrial hub of both the Centrumeh Sub-Sector and the greater region of the surrounding Australis UIltima Sector. Many worlds within a several light-year radius of Þungur ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 79

Traitor Planet Influence: 51

Orks Planet Influence: 3


Space Station.png

Gospel was discovered orbiting the world of þungur Metallikos during the Great Crusade by captains of the 38th Expeditionary Fleet under the overall command of Lord Marshal Nayel Reimmeron Vaxisys, whose family would go on to rule over the Hive World of Armageddon.

Gospel owns its name due to the outer surface of the station being completely engraved in binary. No one have yet to interpret ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 6

Traitor Planet Influence: 18

Orks Planet Influence: 0

Ongoing Campaign Reports

Battle for Hyperborea
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Battle for Kenuc
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Baatle for Kenuc system started on Kenuc Alpha, with several skirmish around a manufactorium, that process a crystals. Several Legions have stop at various times to collect cargo from several sites from Kenuc system.

Global Heresy: The Stilling of Bharteth
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Prelude to War

To accurately document how this desperate conflict started is difficult to pinpoint. Was it the arrival of the Loyalist fleet in Bharteth and the landing of the first troops? Was it, like so many other wars, an event triggered by the Warmasters betrayal? Or can blame be placed at the feet of the Imperium and their first steps on the path of the Great Crusade itself?

So instead I shall declare the cause of this campaign to be the over zealous, almost ignorant, ..→

Legions United

Prelude to War

Welcome to the Pride Worlds! Along the dark passage core-ward, lies a stellar cluster that’s been clearly visible from earth for eons. As mankind ventured out to conquer the stars, their history was typical. They were not so close as to merit man’s immediate colonization, but they were close enough that prospectors broke ground early during the age of expansion. And from there, a well-known, war-torn cycle repeated; indigenous species were exterminated, ..→

The Aminira Campaign
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The Aminira system, known by the 255th Expeditionary Fleet as the fifteenth world to be brought to compliance, was a cluster dotted by four major planetary bodies. Amiri, a non-compliant hive world, Hakkario, an arid inhospitable death world, Hap-Tarkis, a gas giant surrounded by two habitable moons Eplis and Corris and finally Jellar, a small ice planet on the fringe of the system.

The systems significance had risen to prominence after long range orbital scans identified the signals of a ..→

The Fate of Chrondor
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For the people of Chrondor, the civil war that was tearing the Imperium apart seemed a distant thing. Demand for the goods produced from the system had surged, and for many of the systems rulers this was seen as a good thing. Stories of the conflict had filtered through to the general population, but most people believed the tales to be wildly exaggerated, something that had grown in its retelling into something much worse than the actual events must have been.

The reality of the nature of ..→

The Liberation of Fuschal
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Prelude to War

When compared to the scale of the civil war, or even to the chaos rolling back and forth across the Kaerimon Sub-Sector, the battle to reclaim the Fuschal System from the grasp of the traitors would barely count as a footnote, but that makes it no less important to the survivors and the victims of the campaign.

Fuschal and the other planets had been enslaved to the Warmaster's banner precisely because they were vulnerable - each city-ship, atoll, or mining station cut off ..→