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1st Elysia Regiment (1 ESAR) - 89th Solar Auxilia Cohort - 27th Expeditionary Fleet




Imperial Army


27th Expeditionary Fleet




89th Solar Auxilia Cohort, Elysia Corps




User:No information


Age of Strife

Elysia, a verdant world on the outer region of Segmentum Solar, home to the 89th Solar Auxilia Cohort, Elysia Corps (89 SACEC). During the Age of Strife, Elysia had managed to maintain contact with nearby colonized star systems. Harnessing established trade routes in the sector using primitive space travel technology. However the Elysia system was characterized by numerous asteroid fields and dense gas clouds that were notorious havens for human and xenos pirates. These small raiding fleets needed to constantly be kept in check to prevent the collapse of trade and communication in the sector. A planetary defense force was established to serve the dual role of defending Elysia, and the systematic destruction of any pirate activity along the vital trade routes.

Due to the necessity to keep the trade routes open, Elysian soldiers had to serve with the planetary defense force for three years. After which time, candidates were selected and rigorously trained in airborne assault, sub-orbital insertion and ship-to-ship boarding actions. Elysian soldiers had perfected the art of rapid strikes in concert with fleet and orbital support to effectively combat elusive enemies. Resulting in stability along the trade routes, as Elysia prospered from the exponential growth of its economy.

Great Crusade

The Carinae Disaster (Unknown Date.M30)

The conquest of the Carinae Sodality remains a black mark on the history of the 89 SACEC, a campaign that cost horrific and unnecessary casualties to the Imperial Army units of the 27th Expeditionary Fleet.

The 27th Expeditionary Fleet arrived in the Carinae System with a coalition task force, consisting of 30,000 Legionaries of the Raven Guard and 65,000 (27,000 Elysian) soldiers of mixed Imperial Army Regiments. Initially the campaign made swift progress with the conquest of the "Thousand Moons of Carinae" immense void-cities that circled the otherwise planet-less primary. Directed by the keen tactical acumen of the Raven Guard Primarch Corax, the coalition task force exploited Carinae's moons greatest weakness. Rather than assaulting the entire star system at once, Primarch Corax used the mobility of his forces to strike one void-city at a time. After the first month of the campaign the task force had captured 65% of the Carinae System, with the ESAC only suffering light casualties.

The campaign came to a grinding halt on the moon, designated Zenith-312. The Raven Guard, with the combined assault units from the Imperial Army successfully deployed into the void-city. The battle had unfolded as planned; the Elysian company's secured their primary objective and had regrouped to assist units from the Therion Cohort. A large detonation erupted from the depths of the void-city and communication to the combined assault force was lost. The Elysian high command waited anxiously for any information from the unfolding battle, and readied a reserve company for deployment. Communication was re-established when Primarch Corax informed the fleet that Zenith-312 had been captured, however all Imperial Army units had been destroyed in the conquest. The 89 SACEC lost 25 companies, such an enormous loss of life had a devastating effect on the moral of the soldiers in the regiment.

The Raven Guard abandoned the prosecution of Carinae System, and instead focused all of their resources into locating those responsible for the events on Zenith-312. Without the Primarch direction, the coalition task force command structure broke down with in-fighting between different regiments. Which gave Carinae's defenders time to consolidate their forces, and without the Raven Guard to support, the Imperial Army Regiments suffered badly as they captured the remaining void-cities. The campaign which should have been swift conquest for the 27th Expeditionary Fleet would draw on for another seven solar months and cost a horrific amount of lives as the result for the XIX Legion's fickle need for retribution.

The SACEC retired from the 27th Expeditionary Fleet after the Carinae Solidarity campaign. The regiment lost 24,892 men, a staggering 92% of its fighting force during the conquest, with most of the deaths accruing in the last five months of the campaign. Elysia swore it would not rejoin the Great Crusade at such a needlessly high cost of life to its people.

Horus Heresy

Regimental Organization

Military Citations

Combat Reports for I-ARMY-4174


Imperial Search....No Result


Imperial Search....No Result

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