Purity V

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Purity V
Purity V


Ultima Segmentum


Australis Ultima


Diadem Cluster




Forge World




Type: Iron/Silica

Mass: 6.2 X10^24 Kg

Density: 5.55 g/cm3

Composition: 34% Iron, 27% oxygen, 15% silicon, 11.0% magnesium, 3% sulphur, 3.5% nickel, 1.2% calcium, 2.3% aluminum, 3.0% other trace elements


Gravity: 9.811 m/s2

Escape Velocity: 11.2 km/s

Rotation Period: 24.66 hours

Axis Tilt: 10.3 °


Type: Standard Breathable

Pressure: 101.8 KPa

Composition: 70% Nitrogen, 20% Oxygen, 7% Carbon Dioxide, 2% Carbon Monoxide, 1% Water Vapor, Other elements in trace amounts


Government: Mechanicum (loyalist), Vassal Forge of Ariana.
Production Grade: IV-Tertius
Armed forces: Legio Invicta Titan Legion (one maniple on detached service), House Vyronii Knights, Purity V Skitarii Tech-guard, Purity V PDF (Purifiers), weaponized Adepts and servitors, Purity Air Corps (8 squadrons on home station), Imperial Navy fleet assets.
Terrain (typical): Hive/Manufactorum, Fortress, Spaceport, Waste
Notable Locations: Purity Forge, Lacrima Hive, Argent Hive, The Mines, Argent Forge, Purity Docks, Purity Air Corps HQ.


Macrohauler Ferrum Invictus Orbiting Purity V, with Paraiba (Purity VI) visible in the background

Purity V is the center of Imperial life in the Purity V void cluster. In spite of the fact that no sun blazes in Purity's skies, a temperate climate is carefully maintained by atmospheric processors and heat exchangers. The surface is typically shrouded in thick cloud cover and drifting hazes that block much of the meagre starlight that would otherwise reach the surface. Massive arc-lumes project beams of bright light, which bounce off of the low cloud deck, giving the surface an eerie, twilit character.

The forges of Purity V work unceasingly, churning out technology of all kinds which is exported throughout Imperial space in the sub-sector as well as used locally. In return, the forge world imports food, water, manpower, and other materials from the other worlds in the system. Though Purity V is not large enough to found its own Titan Legion, its maintenance yards and sustainment facilities are capable of refitting and rearming friendly Legios that may pass through the cluster.

Purity V represents the projection of Ariana Forge's power into the little-known Diadem Cluster. Through Purity, Ariana can explore the sub-sector and monitor the wild space on the far side of the Archaea nebula.


Originally discovered by a Mechanicum explorator fleet that pushed across the Archaea nebula from Ariana Forge in the nearby D43 sub-sector, the Purity Void Cluster proved to be a valuable foothold on the edge of Imperial space, in the wild frontier of the Diadem Cluster sub-sector. While the Explorator vessels continued on to explore the nearby Childriss system, The majority of the fleet remained at Purity V, colonizing and terraforming the lonely group of rogue planets. Purity V was the first of these worlds to be colonized (although it was the fifth world the fleet explored). Purity V was an attractive target for terraforming and colonization due to it's Ariana-like gravity and rotational period. It was also mineralogically very rich and provided ample resources to found a forge.

The worlds of the void cluster were rapidly terra-formed (at least to some extent) and settled over the next few decades. Once established, they began supplying the newly-settled worlds of the nearby Childriss system as well as sending raw materials and intelligence back to Ariana Forge. Though safer warp routes were later discovered linking Childriss directly to D43, Purity V's status as a forge world ensured that it was not marginalized in the Imperium's expansions into the Diadem Cluster.

Purity V during the Horus Heresy

In 880.M30, the Imperial Explorator vessel Constance Heart, home-ported at Purity V, catalogued the Umbral binary on the far side of the sub-sector. Explorator Albinus Henricus quickly realized that he had rediscovered a lost world of Mars and transmitted his ship's logs back to Purity V and the 646th Crusade Fleet before attempting to establish contact. Constance Heart was never seen again and, except for a single broken transmission mentioning "great evil" in the Umbral Stars, no trace of her has ever been detected.

Henricus' last message urged the 646th Crusade Fleet to make shift for the Umbral binary and instigate a Compliance action against the wayward forge. The Magi of Purity V requested Crusade support for the expedition; however, no aid was immediately forthcoming. As the Great Crusade continued to rage in the nearby D43 sub-sector, the threat of the distant Umbral Stars was increasingly ignored by the Magi of Purity V. Unbeknownst to them however; the 646th Crusade Fleet secretly supported the Warmaster and later openly declared itself for Horus during the early months of the Heresy. Instead of moving to destroy the Umbral Forge, representatives of the 646th had negotiated a treaty with the Queen of Umbra Major on Horus' behalf. Free of the threat of immediate invasion, Umbra chose to preemptively attack the Imperial domains of the Diadem Cluster, which were centered on the Childriss system and the forges of Purity V.

Fortunately for Purity V, the Umbral kingdom's initial blow fell upon the Childriss system. This gave the Forge critical time to bolster its defenses and allowed the Purity Tagma to wage ruinous war on "foreign" soil, rather than amongst their own worlds in the void cluster. Meanwhile, the Macrohauler Ferrum Invicuts, carrying Legio Invicta Battle Maniple Helios and its House Vyronii Knight support element, made a port call at Purity V. The Maniple had recently seen heavy fighting in D43 and was badly in need of refit. The Magi of Purity agreed to refit the Invicta force in exchange for immediate assistance in the upcoing battle against Umbra.

Skitarii of Purity V, as well as Maniple Helios made planetfall on the heavily contested world of Faroe for the opening salvoes of what would be a fight for survival.

Campaign Reports

Imperial Search....No Result

Battle Reports

Imperial Search....No Result