The Liberation of Fuschal~Phase 2~1521368400

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Skirmish Report

Victor Victors Faction Victors VP Victors CP
L-VII-2023 Loyalist 6 1
Opponent Opponents Faction Opponents VP Opponents CP
I-ARMY-1325 Traitor 0 0
Drawn Battle? Location Date Outcome
No Yuglenia 211.010.M31 Loyalist Victory

Combat Summary

500pt Zone Mortalis game - Imperial Fist boarding party - one Command Squad with an Apothecary for support. vs. Death Guard-allied cult militia, on the world-killer Eschaton.

I DID outnumber him 74 to six - and thanks to the first Catastrophic Damage roll of Wildfires, all of which stayed in one corridor, he promptly outnumbered me six to five.

Aaaaaaand then used his warlord trait to up the SECOND Wildfire to Depressurization.

  • headdesk* Then Wildfired the same corridor, and all the reinforcements, and moved in Fire Wasps to toast the survivors. The only reason the corridor isn't packed floor to ceiling with burning corpses is the vacuum put the flames out.

Aaaand tabled. A single squad of Fists Veterans, has destroyed the Eschaton's life sustainers and filled the lower decks with radioactive sludge and fire. And took no casualties

Looks like Aramis' Fists finally got their revenge for the events on Paradisum Mundi :D