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8th Chapter, 2nd Company

Legio XIII.png

Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.pngGalahad Ribbon.jpg


Legio XIII

Legio Name:

The Ultramarines Legion




The Armaturan Guard







Commanded by Veteran Captain Orfeo Cassandar the 2nd Company of the Ultramarines 8th Chapter were posted to the vital word of Armatura at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. Having served with distinction throughout the Great Crusade since the Sedna Campaign the 2nd Company of the 8th Chapter had been given the honour of guarding and training the legion inductees undergoing training on Armatura whilst they re armed and reinforced their numbers. What was meant to be a time of relative peace for these veterans was to be anything but after the Word Bearers shocking betrayal at Calth and the commencement of their "Shadow wars" against the realm of Ultramar. The 2nd Company would have an important part to play in the war before its end.

Combat Reports for L-XIII-5386


Baylonian Insurrection
Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png


Even before the shocking actions of Istvaan filtered through to the Australis Ultima ..→

The Tomb of Galahad
Galahad Ribbon.jpg

Prelude to War

Sometime before the Heresy erupted throughout the Imperium, Crusade Fleet ..→


Battle Name Date Planet Battle Outcome Battle Summary
Baylonian Insurrection~Act 10 694.008.M31 System Wide Traitor

With the final offensive launched, it was only a matter of time before the Traitors declared victory over the system. It was a testament to their resolve that the Loyalist forces held on for as long ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Act 2 158.008.M31 System Wide Traitor

Using their holdings on Dur-Kazit as a staging point the Traitors were the first to strike out in a renewed attempt to seize territory after a brief respite fractured by sporadic strike force ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Act 5 350.008.M31 System Wide Traitor

Attempting to reconsolidate their position on Dur-Kazit the Traitors forces launches a series of offensives in an effort to retake the entire planet and maintain their control. While somewhat ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Act 6 388.008.M31 System Wide Loyalist

With both forces reaching a certain level of impasse the Campaign entered a new stage of attrition; both factions launching harassing assaults against each others strongholds in an attempt to break ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Act 7 464.008.M31 System Wide Traitor

Whether it was the failed attempt to cripple each others ships or a planned change of tactics, the Traitors were no longer willing to play the same game. Entering a new phase of the Campaign the ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Act 9 637.008.M31 System Wide Unresolved

Cautious of the emboldened Synod forces from the previous phase of the war, both Traitors and Loyalists played a far more defensive tactic then either of them had for a long time. Unwilling to leave ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 11 350.008.M31 Oteal Zone Mortalis Unresolved

While a number of strike forces from both factions attempted to fight their way into the facilities, neither could gain a foothold over the other, with the Loyalist getting the closest to securing a ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 12 388.008.M31 Dur-Kazit Loyalist

A rescue operation to recover the Salamanders Primarch, Vulcan.

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 13 388.008.M31 Dur-Kazit Traitor

A rescue operation to recover the Words Bearers Primarch, Lorgar.

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 14 388.008.M31 Cipaar Traitor

The Rescue of V’Ren

Kyros V’Ren’s eyes suddenly burst open from his meditation as he heard a firefight erupted from outside his cell. He had been trapped in the Imperial Fist holding facility ..→

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 15 388.008.M31 Oteal Zone Mortalis Unresolved

A Hit & Run zone mortalis strike mission against a Traitor Cruiser.

Baylonian Insurrection~Zone Mortalis Operation 22 637.008.M31 Oteal Zone Mortalis Unresolved

A Relic Hunt Operation on the destroyed remains of Cipaar (Yahrum).

The Tomb of Galahad~ACT of Heresy

As the final salvos from the Traitors fleet crippled the remaining Loyalists cruisers covering the main forces retreat the hooded Watcher began to move. Sliding past the lifeless bodies of hundreds ..→

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