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1778th Solar Auxilia Cohort 'The Sumortuns'




Imperial Army


1778th Solar Auxilia Cohort 'The Sumortuns'




'The Sumortuns'







1778th Solar Auxilia Cohort 'The Sumortuns'

Originally formed from existing Solar Auxilia Cohorts from both Terra and Luna, 'The Sumortuns' were given their name from the from their first garrison on the moon of Sumorsaete, named by the moons discoverer, and the Rogue Trader that they had been attached to, Bol Xranne.

The 1778th remained key to Xranne's exploration, raising and training more recruits on Sumorsaete to join his expedition. The fleet had more than quadrupled in size by the start of the Horus Heresy, now under the command of Bol's son, Thandlus. Records of 'The Sumortuns' actions during the Heresy remain contradictory, many accounts place the 1778th in support of both Loyalist and Traitor forces.

It is known that Thandlus Xranne himself commanded his forces as Lord Marshal, rather than promote another from the ranks of the Solar Auxillia. Perhaps surprisingly, even though he hadn't advanced through the Solar Auxilia hierarchy, the 1778th admired their commander, and respected his talent for leadership and his ability as a warrior.

Thandlus Xranne secured the warrant of trade back into the secret compartment in the hilt of the archaic sword that belonged to his father, only he and one other knew the lie that made up his existence.

For nearly forty years, Xranne had explored the deepest depths of the galaxy in the name of the Emperor of mankind. As a Rogue Trader his reputation has grown beyond his fathers, a fleet of three ships had grown to more than twenty, including a sizeable detachment of Solar Auxillia, and veterans of the Imperial Navy.

Xranne's contribution to the great crusade, was nothing more than a drop in the ocean compared to the Emperors Legions, but nonetheless, Xranne delivered important new worlds to the Emperor of Mankind's vision, providing him with respect and favour that many Rogue Traders could only dream of. But Xranne had a secret, the secret that he shared only with Chief Medicae Vorasious Fracus, was that he, Thandlus Xranne, was in fact Bresnen Stoll.

Stoll had never used his real name, or been aware of his true heritage until he was twenty-three years of age. His mother was the last person to use his real name, whispered softly as she placed him gently in the crib of the real Thandlus Xranne, kissing him one last time before leaving him to the mercy of Medicae Fracus. She had died five days later, stricken with a disease that even Fracus could not cure.

The real Thandlus was the only child of Bol and Selenza Xranne. Selenza had died during childbirth, and Stoll's mother - Selenza's lady-in-waiting - became responsible for both nursing both children. Stoll was three weeks older, and just over two years of age when his mother Nemia and Medicae Fracus colluded switch the children's identities.

Bol Xranne had only visited his son three times in the first two years of his life, he would allow others to care for the child, at least until the boy could hold a blade. This had made Nemia and Fracus's ruse easy, when the real Thandlus died a week after his second birthday, Nemia feigned mourning for the loss of her own son, and Bol had given his condolences stiffly via a servitor relayed message, blissfully unaware that his own son and heir had actually died.

Bol Xranne was an ageing man, rejuvenate treatments could do little more to extend his lifespan, and married to his work, he was unlikely to heir another scion to his Warrant of Trade. To Vorasious Fracus this was a problem, Vorasious had been Chief Medicae to Bol Thandlus for nearly fifty years, without an heir, the fleet would be dispersed, control returned to Terra, and Vorasious would be forced back to the rigid control of a crusade fleet, or even worse. It hadn't been easy to convince Nemia to give up her son's real identity, but without an heir to nurse, Xranne would have seen her and her son were superfluous to requirements of the fleet.

Of course Fracus could not leave the knowledge of their secret to chance for too long. Nemia tragically passed away from complications during a routine operation nine years later, in his report to Xranne, Fracus was clear that he did all he could to save her. Fracus dutifully took on the care of the young Thandlus Xranne, only he now knew of his real identity.

Under Fracus' tutorship, Xranne became a focused and driven leader, outwardly committed to the Imperium, but inwardly sceptical of the purpose of the Great Crusade, and increasingly unwilling to waste his men for an uncaring Emperor. At the outbreak of civil war, Fracus called for Xranne to join the Warmaster's cause, while Xranne had no great love for the Emperor, he could not abide treachery.

Fracus' treachery had given Xranne his position, but it had also murdered his mother. Fracus would pay for this with his life when Xranne had no use for him, and as for the Heresy, he would make sure that he and 'The Sumortuns' ended up on the victorious side, who ever that may be.

Combat Reports for I-ARMY-1068


Imperial Search....No Result


Battle Name Date Planet Battle Outcome Battle Summary
The Second Golloch War~Assault on Star Port EN-BE551N 164.009.M31 Gaul Draw

March - Geno Five Two

At the onset of the Heresy the Techno-archivists took full advantage of the emerging civil war. Delegations from Mechanicum agents loyal to the Warmaster had been ..→