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(This small, elite cadre of legionaries consists only of those who served in the original Alpha units created by the Emperor prior to the official founding of the XXth and have retained the simple designation 'Alpha'.)
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Revision as of 05:01, 30 June 2017

Designation Alpha (The Reaping)
Legio Nil.png


Legio XX

Legio Name:

The Alpha Legion










Taskforce Designation: 'Alpha'

Informal Moniker: 'The Reaping'

Historical Brief: As with many things to do with the XXth Legion, there is little known of the force known as The Reaping. This small, elite cadre of legionaries consists only of those who served in the original Alpha units created by the Emperor prior to the official founding of the XXth and have retained the simple designation 'Alpha'. Throughout the Great Crusade the rumoured Alpha units (oft referred to as the 'Ghost Legion') executed precision black operations at the Emperor's behest, often utilising false flag tactics to disguise their actions as those of their more publically known brethren. It is this same repertoire of skills that Alpha have continued to employ throughout the Great Crusade and, now, into the civil war spawned by Horus' treason.

For many within the greater XXth Legion the designation Alpha speaks of a superiority and so the taskforce's informal title 'The Reaping' is more likely to be heard; as such, the name of The Reaping has spread outside of the Legion. Within a Legion already renowned for their superiority complex, the perception of The Reaping as believing themselves above their Legion brothers has earned them a great deal of enmity that is tempered only by wary respect. Despite this enmity, when the commanders of The Reaping call for resources to be deployed their requests are answered swiftly, for the Primarch himself has shown them his favour, even choosing to operate under the Alpha designation from time to time -- whether this is truly the actions of the Primarch, or a deception on the part of The Reaping to ensure their status, is another matter entirely.

While there are no accurate reports on the number of legionaries operating under the Alpha designation, the prevailing theory within the Legion is that this force can consist of only several dozen Astartes. This theory is based upon three pillars: First, the original Alpha designation applying to no more than two thousand legionaries, and most of those having integrated into the greater Legion, the number of Astartes from which The Reaping can have drawn is infinitismal relative to the strength of a Legion. Second, the inevitable attrition of war must have taken its toll on both the starting pool of Alpha operatives and that subset who continued under the designation when the majority were subsumed by the Legion. Third, at any point that greater force than a small strike team is required, The Reaping calls upon the force of the Legion and its auxiliaries.

As the civil war has unfolded, Alpha have continued to operate seemingly under their own remit and with no discernible agenda. The longer the Heresy runs, the more confusing the actions of The Reaping become, as more and more reports filter in of operations against loyalist and traitor forces alike, as well as an alarming increase in blue-on-blue strikes against Alpha Legion assets.

Modus Operandi

In their philosophy The Reaping do not differ by far from their Legion, believing as strongly in Alpharius' teachings of the Harrowing as any other facet of the Hydra. Where Alpha differ is in the scope of their operations. Within a Legion renowned for clandestine operations, The Reaping take this a step further; Alpha operatives rarely work in groups larger than three or four, and are most often found working alone.

Especially since the outbreak of the civil war, Alpha operatives have become increasingly focussed on insinuating themselves into other Legions and using that Legion's resources to further their agenda. Once in place within a host Legion (and records indicate this includes the XXth), Alpha operatives use their position to gain access to information, materiel, and personnel - including several audacious gambits that have seen Alpha operatives replace ranking officers and lead host Legion operations to The Reaping's benefit.

Once mission parameters are achieved, Alpha operatives choose to end their masquerade in a broad variety of manners. Some choose to disappear silently into the night, leaving behind misinformation and chaos within the host Legion's structure. In other cases the host force is of no further use and the operative will clandestinely reach out to Alpha Legion elements and coordinate the swift application of overwhelming force - often this calls for Alpha Legion Astartes, but equally as often sees The Reaping calling upon a vast network of human assets within the Solar Auxillia and Imperial Army.

Where the Alpha Legion at large is well known for its use of human elements, be they intelligence or military assets, The Reaping take this a step further out of necessity. With operatives often acting alone and outside of Legion remit, Alpha agents heavily rely on their human network and it is not uncommon in Alpha operations for their human assets to infiltrate a host alongside them.

Combat Reports for L-XX-5411


Imperial Search....No Result


Imperial Search....No Result