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The King's Own Immemorials


The King's Own.jpg
Electi Regum

Golloch Ribbon.jpg


Imperial Army





'The Majestic XIIth'







The most lauded battalion on Herrio 7-3 before that world was brought to compliance, the King's Own were hand-chosen from the planet's nobility, and equipped to the most exacting standards. When King Kacer the Seventeenth bent the knee in the face of the overwhelming superiority of the Crusade Fleet, the new Planetary Governor thought it would be politically wise to continue the tradition. Not only would this assuage the honour of the previously-ruling families, but it would ensure that the sons of those families were sent off-world where they couldn't foment any trouble for the new regime.

The Immemorials accepted this new situation without much complaint (or perhaps failed to realise the intent of the order) and continued much as they had before - as a collection of vainglorious bluebloods, that treated war as a day at the hunt, and used their subsidiary regiment as batmen and beaters until they could finish off the enemy with pre-compliance gravitic rifles and expertly placed kill-shots.

Needless to say, they did not take being dropped into the noisome nitre-encrusted swamps of Metallikus at all well.

Combat Reports for I-ARMY-3370


The Second Golloch War
Golloch Ribbon.jpg

Prelude to War

The Golloch Cluster is a nebulous region of space containing thousands of ..→


Battle Name Date Planet Battle Outcome Battle Summary
Metallikus~Sgt. Vurger's Cunning Plan 830.009.M31 Metallikus Loyalist

Historians of the Golloch Campaign, long after the war had moved on towards Terra, agreed that if any one thing characterized the Fourth Metallikan Civil War, that thing would be utter confusion. ..→

The Second Golloch War~The Fourth Metallikus Civil War 751.009.M31 Metallikus Undecided

October - Combat Phase The swamp barons and their Mechanicum sponsors never bent the knee further than neccessary to the nascent Imperium before it considered them compliant and moved on ..→