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4th Great Company, 12th company Tólf
Legio VI.png


Legio VI

Legio Name:

The Space Wolves Legion




They Who Hunt Beneath the Red Moon




User:Grizzly Adams



Tólf, The VI Legion Astartes 12th Company, of the 4th Great Company, better known to their brothers as They Who Hunt Beneath the Red Moon, is one of the many line companies within the Blood-Wyrm's Masters that was a part of the Censure Host and present for the Burning of Prospero. It was upon the Sorcerer's planet that their current leader and heraldry came to be. Hródolf Gunnar Gunnarsen, Jarl of Tólf, Lord of the Red Moon, the Twice-Smote, became the Wolf Lord of the 12th Company after the previous jarl fell to a psychic attack during the middle part of the campaign, shortly after the 4th Great Company made landfall to support the initial assault. One of the company's Varagyr, Gunnar took up the mantle of command out of necessity and led his brothers effectively for the remainder of the campaign.

There are two competing stories as to how Jarl Gunnar became known as the Twice-Smote. The first is due to his always wielding two weapons, Thunder's Bite a mighty hammer which belonged to his previous liege that he carried with him throughout Tizca, and his axe Murdermake, leaving all his enemies Twice-Smote. The other is that he earned the title by being believed dead during two separate campaigns, only to return to his brothers alive, if not a little worse for wear. Once Gunnar was made officially the new Jarl of Tólf at the conclusion of the Prospero campaign, the Company took on his newly earned heraldry; A Red Moon with a wolf skull overlaid. The Wolf of the Red Moon is a terrible god of vengeance in Fenrisian mythology; a great skeletal beast that prowls the Seven Hells, eternally devouring the bodies of the unworthy and yet never growing fat. The heraldry also has a second meaning; The red moon signifying the red planet of Prospero and the blood that had been spilt to claim it, and the wolf skull representative of his former jarl and the many brothers lost to achieve that victory.

Tólf has a unique badging structure, where each pack bears the heraldry and insignia of their huscarl as opposed to bearing the heraldry and insignia of the jarl or company. These demarcations change as new huscarls take the place of their predecessors. Tólf specializes in orbital assault and drop insertion tactics, tending to favor infantry and armored support by way of dreadnoughts and speeders, allowing them to strike swiftly and hit with an overwhelming force.

After the events of the Alaxxes Nebula, Tólf was sent out to prosecute the Russ and the Allfather's vengeance upon Horus Lupercal and any that stood along him. They now stalk the stars, searching for any opportunity to due their master's bidding.

Combat Reports for L-VI-3151


Imperial Search....No Result


Imperial Search....No Result