Difference between revisions of "The Liberation of Fuschal~Phase 3~1524305345"

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(Dorn's banana boys are driven off by Mechanicum anti-aircraft fire.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:34, 21 April 2018

Skirmish Report

Victor Victors Faction Victors VP Victors CP
A-MECH-6429 Traitor 4 1
Opponent Opponents Faction Opponents VP Opponents CP
L-VII-2023 Loyalist 0 0
Drawn Battle? Location Date Outcome
No Fuschal 304.010.M31 Traitor Victory

Combat Summary

One of the more curious legends that arose from the Liberation of Fuschal was that regarding the Praetorian of Terra, the Primarch Rogal Dorn. It stretches credulity far beyond breaking that the Blade of the Emperor would abandon his post, defending the Throneworld, to lead the attack on the Cloister Archipelago. It is possible that battlefield hallucinations are the cause, or perhaps a deliberately disseminated rumour to embolden mortals on the Loyalist side, and terrify the entrenched traitors.

If so, the propaganda backfired terribly, when the first wave of assault vehicles attempted a landing on the planet were driven off by unexpectedly heavy anti-aircraft fire, under the direction of traitor Mechanicum forces. Survivors of the assault had barely reached the enemy lines before they were ordered to fall back and allow further bombardment of the Northwest sector defenses.