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As the tragic histories of the Horus Heresy were recounted, however, the Legion's glories were to be scattered upon the black sands of Istvaan V during the Drop Site Massacre, and the Imperium was almost shorn of one of its greatest champions. Though severely decimated, the Raven Guard would rise from the ashes of betrayal and go on to continue to serve the Imperium of Man as its protectors. As masters of the unseen war, they fight their battles with stealth and speed rather than fury and flames. For thousands of standard years, across thousands of worlds, they have continued to stalk the enemies of the Imperium as shadows of death, waiting for the perfect moment to deliver the killing blow before melting back into the darkness once more.

Latest revision as of 00:55, 9 April 2015

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Wow the year is really flying by, cant believe we are already half way into May!

First off if any of you haven't already heard the guys over at

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