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Their relentless pursuit of the war masters forces across the realm of Ultramar, has caught the attention of senior commanders in the legion, some say the Primarch, the Avenging Son, plans to visit Decimus and Sennius to pay honor to the 129th Chapter.
Their relentless pursuit of the war masters forces across the realm of Ultramar, has caught the attention of senior commanders in the legion, some say the Primarch, the Avenging Son, plans to visit Decimus and Sennius to pay honor to the 129th Chapter.

Latest revision as of 15:56, 24 July 2016

the 129th Chapter of the 13th Legiones Astartes is formed from the survivors of a number of chapters who rallied behind Chapter Master Decimus following the traitors surprise attack on the Arata System, launched along side the Calth atrocity.

The Chapter specialises in rapid deployment, total eradication missions. Striking hard and fast into traitor lines. Decimus prefers to start by disorientating the enemy with mobile artillery and fleet based ordnance before moving in with mechanise infantry and rapid anti armour skimmers to secure objectives.

Ever a proponent of the Theoretical/Practical doctrines of the 13th Legion, Decimus has come to note due to his ability to draw practicals that may in the legion would not have thought of. His ability to redeploy and adapt has gained him a reputation as a fast moving commander who keeps the traitors on their toes.

Decimus is followed into battle by his long time friend, and zealous defender of the imperial truth even in these troubled times, Chaplin Sennius. Sennius has vowed never to let his axe stop swinging till every last traitor has been driven from the 500 worlds and the throneworld has been restored to its rightful place at the head of mankind.

While this zealotry gives Sennius unmatched fervour on the battlefield, many say he clings to a dream that is no longer there. While Sennius fights for belief, Decimus fights to birng honor back to the Legiones Astartes.

Their relentless pursuit of the war masters forces across the realm of Ultramar, has caught the attention of senior commanders in the legion, some say the Primarch, the Avenging Son, plans to visit Decimus and Sennius to pay honor to the 129th Chapter.

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