Helix Cluster

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Warp to PhonicasHelix Cluster
About this image

Rimward of the Phonicas Sub-Sector is a small cluster of stars entwined with a nebula known as the Nemesis Spiral. About a dozen star systems reside in its swirling embrace, clinging to the handful of stable warp routes like a lifeline back to civilization....

Outside the well travelled routes, the Spiral is a vast morass of wilderness space. Pirates and marauders of all stripes make their lairs here, and foul Xenos breeds lurk in its depths. People are willing to brave these dangers for the rare and exotic minerals that are found on the inmost worlds, and it is for this reason that the first colonies were founded back in M38 by the maverick Rogue Trader Castus Tharr.

In recent years the fading light of the Astronomicon has failed to penetrate this far into the outer rim, leaving the Helix cluster cut off and isolated. Left to fend for themselves, the colonies started trading with the more tractable Xenos to make ends meet. Inevitably the corrupting influence of the Xenos and the prospect of permanent isolation led them to throwing off imperial rule completely.

A new order called the Kopadian Hegemony now rules over the worlds of the spiral. As well as the original human colonies established by the imperium, it includes a handful of allied pirate bases and Xenos worlds under its aegis. This fragile peace was broken by the sudden dawn of the Phonicas Choir.

Now the astronomicon is broadcasting clearer into the Helix Cluster than ever before and the imperium is poised to reclaim its wayward territory with sword and fire. The newly dubbed "Helix Crusade" already on its way to wreak vengeance. In a desperate bid to survive, the Hegemony has declared its allegiance to the newly emergent Imperium of Truth.

Their neighbours in the Phonicas Sub-Sector have been too swamped by their own military preparations and countless other diplomatic overtures to investigate the true nature of their new allies.

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