The Hastilude Event: Behourd

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Inspiration from the Manesse Codex
File:Hastilude Behourd.jpg
Extract from the Raynes Codex

The most brutal of the Chivalric games, the Behourd is a method for the Knights and their Nobles to practise and rehearse massed combat amidst the confusion of warfare, with the last Knight standing being declared the victor of that round.

Unlike the other games, the Behourd is a very vicious and cut throat event where the incapacitation or even destruction of participating Knight is not uncommon. With sometimes dozens of Knights on the field at the commencement of the game, unlucky (or disliked) Nobles can find themselves targeted by multiple opponents at once and be completely overwhelmed. With their powerful Ion Shields only capable of protecting them from a single direction, it is only a matter of time before incoming fire will bite into their armour.

All Knights entering into a Behourd do so with the knowledge that they are unlikely to come out that session’s winner, but will have to yield or pay serious repair costs to take the field again. But the rewards are often worth the risk; a single Knight, even if defeated, can accrue enough ransoms throughout the event to buy a small kingdom.


Limited to one Knight per player, however multiple Knights from the same House or Company may participate.


The field will be different for each round of the Behourd, often representing some form of field of war; a ruined town, an open wasteland or any such location.


There are no restrictions on which Knights may participate, the only modification is to the Ransom rules:

*In situations where multiple opponents contributed to a Knight being destroyed, the Death Ransom will be split among those who contributed Hull Damage to the victim.
*A Knight must yield to the last opposing Knight who inflicted Hull Damage upon them, or, if multiple, should choose the one who inflicted the most potent form of damage.


There will be multiple sessions of the Behourd run throughout the Hastilude. Players can participate in any number of them, but be aware that they can be costly to enter as there is only one winner each session. All Knights, including those from the same House/Company, must fight until there is only a single standing.

Each Knight eliminated will be awarded points equal to the number of rounds which they survived; survive three rounds and yield in the fourth, gain 3 Points, these points carry over from sessions to session. In addition the winner of the each round will be awarded 50 Shields as a prize.


At the end of the Hastilude the Knight with the highest points total accumulated over the course of the sessions will be declared the winner and awarded 200 Shields. 

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