The Hastilude Event: Tupinaire

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Inspiration from the Manesse Codex

Second only to the Joust, the Tupinaire is a Noble duel between two Knights on the field of honour, but rather than conducting three passes, each of the three duels will be fought until one Knight has received three solid blows from their opponent.


Limited to one Knight per player, however multiple Knights from the same House or Company may participate.


The field on which a Tupinaire takes place is often referred to as a List, with a clearly defined boundary and barriers to prevent the Knights from leaving or spectators from entering. Commonly a List will be a 3’ x 3’ area with a variety of obstacles and terrain within them to create a diverse fighting environment for the Knight.


Each Knight will have a designated deployment area in which they will start the Tupinaire. Once the duel has commenced they are free to move and attack as they wish. Blows are exchanged between the Knights until one (or both) have scored three Penetrating Hits or one Knight Yields. The moment one Knight has scored three Penetrating Hits the duel will conclude at the completion of that Initiative step!

Any Hull Point damage or Vehicle Damage effect inflicted in a duel does not carry over to any remaining duels of that pairing.

Destroying an opposing Knight is a shameful thing, immediately concluding the pairing, irrelevant of how many duels were left, and giving the offender a black mark instead of any points for that duel, the victim will retain any points which they were awarded before the destruction of their Knight and an average point score awarded for any unfought duels with a minimum of one point.

A severely damaged Knight may yield and ransom himself to his opponent, ending the duel and awarding the victor full points while retaining any points they themselves scored.

Atteint Weapons

While some Knights weapons are not normally powerful enough to inflict true damage upon an enemy on the field of war, during honour bound combat and chivalric duels a Knights Pilot will acknowledge solid, clean hits from his opponent even if they did not penetrate the armour. Each weapon incapable of glancing AV12 gain the Atteint Weapon special rule; effectively giving the weapon Rending, but it can never inflict more than a single Glancing hit, irrelevant of the number of shots or the final Armour Penetration.


Each duel can result in both Knights scoring points based on the number of Penetrating Hits scored against their opponent, limited to 3 points per duel.


After a complete round robin the highest scoring Knight will be declared the winner of the Tupinaire and awarded 200 Shields. If there is a tie the Knights will duel a tie breaker.

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