Metallikus~Sgt. Vurger's Cunning Plan

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Battle Details

Type: Battle
Date: 830.009.M31
Sub-Sector:Golloch Cluster
System: Metallikus
Planet: Metallikus
Victor: Loyalist
Influence: 5


Loyalists Involved In The Conflict


Traitors Involved In The Conflict


Battle Summary

Historians of the Golloch Campaign, long after the war had moved on towards Terra, agreed that if any one thing characterized the Fourth Metallikan Civil War, that thing would be utter confusion. With both sides forced to deploy less-than-ideal units, and complete disregard of the chain of command in some areas, it is little wonder that the swamps saw friendly fire incidents, inexplicable routs, and devastating loss of morale on both sides. In the case of the King's Own Immemorials (mixed human infantry also known by the cognomen 'The Majestic XIIth') local command fell to one Satapatis-Baronet de Quincy, a man entirely unsuited to the situation on the planet, or indeed his position.

While the 'Majestic XIIth' consisted largely of noble-born sons of Herrio 7-3, and was regarded by the loyalist commanders as unreliable except in mopping-up operations, de Quincy was such an extreme example of the type that he soon earned the utter loathing of the men under his command - not merely the lowborn Herrian IInd, but even that of his fellow Majestics. His complete inability to take advice lead to multiple disastrous clashes against Mechanicum killclades, and his total ignorance of conditions in the nitre swamps of Metallikus even lead to loyalist forces accidentally walking into enemy camps. Plans were already underway to have the Baronet court-martialed, and several of the men under his command had already volunteered to man the firing squad, when de Quincy's aide-de-camp Gelle Vurger of the Herrian IInd proposed a cunning plan.

'Turnip-farmer' Vurger's plan was indeed cunning - to deliberately leak the information that the incompetent de Quincy was commanding the central defense, and lure the Mechanicum in, in expectation of an easy victory. When they arrived, they were welcomed with every gravitic hunting harquebus the Majestic XIIth could muster.

While the Magos promptly realised that de Quincy was merely bait in the trap and had his assassin-servitors target Vurger instead, the Satapatis-Baronet actually managed to take out the enemy commander, who had become bogged down in the swamps around the target facility. de Quincy even went on to survive a period of hand-to-hand against the Maldraco CQC monstrosities. Evidently, being trained in dueling at the finest academy in his home city had not, in fact, been laughably optimistic. But despite the Magos' rapid adaption to the situation and heavy loyalist causalities in the opening exchange, the Mechanicum forces were completely annihilated.

de Quincy survived his wounds, despite the fond wishes of the militia. Gelle Vurger also survived the attack, and was quietly transferred to a unit where his acumen could be put to better use.

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