Australis Ultima Sector

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 19:17, 8 April 2015 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard Mechanicum Orks Imperial Army Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Australis UIltima Sector Status

Army Spotlights

Legio Nil.png

A shadow of mystery surrounds Omega Hydra. Little is know of its existence, secret to all but Asartes of the XXth legion and select human operatives. In place of the Alpha Legions XXth company and lead by Omegon himself, Omega Hydra is much bigger than standard Astartes company strength. The Hydra is broken down into many smaller groups. These Groups known as "Nests" or "Cells" can, if needed, operate independently, each having all necessary ..more..

Global Heresy Systems



No known sentient inhabitants.

When the plant masses of Oligos were discovered, their potential for food was immediately apparent and samples were brought back to Kaloran for further study. Although lacking in taste, the dark ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 11

Traitor Planet Influence: 3

Orks Planet Influence: 1

Suggested Game Style: Games played wanting to represent this location should be played on smaller tables or even Zone Mortalis, to portray fights over the small floating islands or the limited number of new Imperial stations being deployed to monitor the planet.



There were about 2 billion people on Kaloran, spread across the many cities and towns. Exact number are now impossible to estimate as most of the population were slaughtered in the recent invasion ..more..

Long isolated, the human settlement on Kaloran never managed to advance past a basic level of Industry, trading with various Empires who bothered to visit the backwater and unattractive planet. ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 25

Traitor Planet Influence: 19

Orks Planet Influence: 12

Suggested Game Style: Games played wanting to represent this location should be played between Orks and another opponent (Loyalist, Traitor or other Ork Clans).


Daemon One.png

No known human population, suspected Xenos presence.

While initially mapped as a Death World, Belthor quickly fell into a unique category after probes detected abnormal gravitational fluctuations and warp disturbances. An orbital buoy deployed by the ..more..

Loyalist Planet Influence: 0

Traitor Planet Influence: 0

Orks Planet Influence: 0

Suggested Game Style: Games played wanting to represent this location should be played using some dangerous battlezone traits to correspond the Death World status.

Basic Training
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