Australis Ultima Sector

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Australis Ultima Sector Map

Savage ReachPacificus Delta Sub-SectorHelix ClusterCambrius Sub-SectorHawcinus Sub-SectorBeneheventian Sub-SectorCentrumeh Sub-SectorKaliduza Sub-SectorKaerimon Sub-SectorGolloch ClusterSub-Sector Christus EcclesiaD43Australis UltimaAustralis Ultima Sector Map
Battle for Hyperborea
Ipsum Ribbon.png 523.010.M31 Centrumeh Sub-Sector Adlayd System Ongoing Ipsum Ribbon.png
Baylonian Insurrection
Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png 139.008.M31 Centrumeh Sub-Sector Oteal System Traitor Vicotry Baylonian Insurrection Ribbon.png
Northern Front - Battle of Eglurn System
Northern Front Ribbon.png 071.010.M31 Cambrius Sub-Sector Eglurn System Ongoing Northern Front Ribbon.png
Savage Campaign
Savage Campaign Ribbon.jpg 162.007.M31 Savage Reach Savage System Traitor Victory Savage Campaign Ribbon.jpg
The Corruption of Plutonem Majorum
Corruption of Plutonem Majorus Ribbon.png 584.009.M31 Plutonem Majorus Sub-Sector Wide Unresolved Corruption of Plutonem Majorus Ribbon.png
The Diadem Cluster Compliance
Diadem Compliance Ribbon.png 869.012.M31 Diadem Cluster Childriss Ongoing Diadem Compliance Ribbon.png
The Liberation of Fuschal
Fuschal Ribbon.png 003.010.M31 Kaerimon Sub-Sector Fuschal System Ongoing Fuschal Ribbon.png
The Lincon Heresy
Lincon Ribbon.jpg 219.008.M31 Beneheventian Sub-Sector Lincon System Loyalist Victory Lincon Ribbon.jpg
The Second Golloch War
Golloch Ribbon.jpg 088.009.M31 Golloch Cluster Sub-Sector Wide Ongoing Golloch Ribbon.jpg

Forces Available

Dark Angels White Scars Space Wolves Imperial Fists Blood Angels Iron Hands Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard

Emperor's Children Iron Warriors Night Lords World Eaters Death Guard Thousand Sons Sons of Horus Word Bearers Alpha Legion

Custodes Sisters Mechanicum Blackshields Knight Houses Imperial Army

Orks Asuryani Drukhari Anrathe Sierclanna Necron

Army Spotlights

Legio Nil.png

The leg servos of Captain Mursili’s terminator armour groaned in protest as the massive frame of the Word Bearers commander knelt in supplication before the God-Emperor. Amidst the sea of grey-armoured Word Bearers the myriad standards of the legion’s many chapters were abased in chastisement, their bearers laid low by the reprimand their primarch was enduring at the hands of his holy father. Mursili seethed as he watched the livery of the Scold’s Bridle chapter upon his company’s banner caress the ash-strewn remains of the Monarchian earth. The tattooed bridle across the captain’s face quivered as Mursili ground his teeth in barely contained rage. The captain bore witness to his father’s censure. He watched as the Golden Primarch’s vision, his will, his very core was shattered. Mursili had helped to build the grand spires of Monarchia. He had stood by the speakers as prelate, administered to the faithful of the city, walked amid its beauteous spires and basked in the ..more..