Inspection 4: The can be only One (2015)

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 17:38, 31 August 2015 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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There can be only One


Entry and Painting: September 1st - 30th

Voting: October 1st - 7th

Judging: October 8th - 15th

Winner Announced: October 16th


Make sure this word is included in all images (i.e written on a bit of paper or suchlike)

Theme:There can be only One

A single Independent or Unique Character model, this also includes any HQ characters that do not have the Independent or Unique Character rule but can only be taken by themselves.

Template:Inspection 4 Button

Inspection Entries Created:

Inspection Entries Completed:

Imperial Search....No Result

Inspection 4~Ezaviel~11/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~Mungo742~10/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~SonsofKairos~12/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~ThatGuy462~11/09/2015 - COMPLETED