Inspection 4: The can be only One (2015)

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 20:23, 4 August 2015 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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There can be only One


Entry and Painting: September 1st - 30th

Voting: October 1st - 7th

Judging: October 8th - 15th

Winner Announced: October 16th


Make sure this word is included in all images (i.e written on a bit of paper or suchlike)

Theme:There can be only One

A single Independent or Unique Character model, this also includes any HQ characters that do not have the Independent or Unique Character rule but can only be taken by themselves.

Inspection Entries Created:

Inspection Entries Completed:

Imperial Search....No Result

Inspection 4~Ezaviel~11/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~Mungo742~10/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~SonsofKairos~12/09/2015 - COMPLETED
Inspection 4~ThatGuy462~11/09/2015 - COMPLETED