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Ultima Segmentum


Australis Ultima


[[Helix Cluster]][[Category:Helix Cluster]]


[[Kaloran System]][[Category:Kaloran System]]


System Capital



Kaloran Map.jpg


Kaloran is a temperate world just on the cold side of comfortable. Gravity is slightly higher than earth norm and the climate tends toward windy days more often than not.

Caught in a perpetual autumn, the whole atmosphere tends toward a dour outlook. And it is not unusual for off-worlders to find themselves feeling gloomy for no apparent reason.

The terrain is generally rocky with low grass, and conifers making up the majority of the large trees.


There are about 2 billion people on Kaloran, spread across the many cities and towns. Although the planet has been inhabited for over two thousand years, full industrialisation has never taken hold because of the never ending raids by pirates and xenos. The people of Kaloran are forever rebuilding their civilisation. Only to have it ravaged by the latest invader.

The Planetary Governer rules from his palace in Krios, the largest city on the southern continent. Because of the ever present threat of invasion taxes are high, and all young adults are required to serve a number of years in the PDF upon completing their apprenticeships.


This benighted planet has seen one invasion after another. It has been raided by pirates innumerable times, both human and xenos. In the closing years of M39 the whole planet was enslaved by Dark Eldar for nine horrific years. The Eldar were finally driven off by a combined force of space marines and resistance fighters, but the cost was almost unbearable. The scars of that occupation still haunt the people to this day.

Forty seven years ago they were faced with the greatest threat yet. The system was flooded with tyranid organisms from a retreating splinter fleet of hive fleet Kraken. Battlefleet Helix finally caught up with the last of the hive ships as they were pouring mysetic spores onto Kaloran. The splinter fleet was destroyed, but the hinterlands have been lousy with tyranid broods ever since. More than one patrol has been slaughtered by a lone genestealer or a pack of gargoyles.

Now that the Heart of Damnation is spewing ork hordes into the system, the people of Kaloran brace themselves yet again for the tramp of alien claws on their soil.


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