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Twilight's Shadow
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Legio XIV

Legio Name:

The Death Guard Legion










Its origins dating back to before the discovery of their Primarch, the 7th Grand Company's shock assault organization, Twilight's Shadow, was heavily influenced in tactics and temperament by the Dusk Raider's of old. After Mortarian and the Sons of Barbarus' influence seeped into the company, those of Twilight's Shadow became increasingly saturated with Barbarus born, becoming the eyes and ears of their lord Primarch in a company of largely Terran born.

Combat Reports for L-XIV-6818


Imperial Search....No Result


Battle Name Date Planet Battle Outcome Battle Summary
Defense of the Ur'lan Catacombs 956.007.M31 Ark'alask Septimus Traitor

Master of Signal Bardiel Septus was still reeling from the sudden and brutal loss of his Praetor as he somberly organized what remained of the company's heavy infantry down into the underdark of the ..→

Liberation at Camp Delta 239 882.007.M31 Ark'alask Septimus Loyalist

The Raven Guard’s 8th Company tracked Death Guard captors to their hastily constructed P.O.W. camp, where they conducted a night raid in attempt to rescue Sarbes Noxus.

The Death Guard host ..→

The Defense at Widower's Teeth 723.007.M31 Ark'alask Septimus Loyalist

Sarbes Noxus and his Raven Guard remnants of 8th Company valiantly defend Fort Charlie Gamma a.k.a. The Widower's Teeth from an abrupt and brutal Death Guard assault led by Macabran Graves

As ..→

The Onslaught at Gamlin Pass 808.007.M31 Ark'alask Septimus Traitor

Delegatus Xander Levinius surveyed the desolate pass from atop the highest floor of the imperial bastion, considering how best to utilize what men and machines were left at his disposal. He had been ..→

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