Skirmish Report

From Australis Ultima 30k
Revision as of 18:41, 4 September 2014 by Dono1979 (Talk | contribs)

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WARNING: These reports may alter over the coming weeks as Beta testing is underway. We will endeavor to carry any changes across to report you have already created

If this is your first time submitting a skirmish report, please read the below before creating the report

If you only wish to lodge a Skirmish Report to update your Summary of Enemy Forces, click the create button below without changing the name.

Global Heresy

Cambrius Skirmish Report

Outpost Cambrius Skirmish Report

Local System


These reports are very minimalistic and have little impact on a Forces Influence over a Planet or System, it is primarily used to generate the Skirmish Summary information which tracks the win/loss/draw statistics for one against another. This means that Loyalist can fight Loyalist and Traitor vs Traitor etc, even armies from the same Legio can fight each other.

If both players have got registered armies then it is customary for the Victor to lodge the Skirmish report (to prevent the report from being lodged twice), however if your opponent doesnt have an Army ID and doesnt want to register one, the player with an Army ID can create the Report and put a placeholder name in their place. This way even if you play them again, you can use the same place holder name and it will work just like they were a registered army (you just want be able to link to their page). If sometime down the track they do get an Army ID you can simply edit the Skirmish Reports with the placeholder name and replace it with the relevant Army ID.

If you are wanting to create a fluff Battle Report, that can be done as well so that you can write up in universe reports, attach pictures and have it count towards the taking of a planet.